Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Application
This scholarship was established in 2000 by the Conde Community Fund board of directors right after the fund was established in June 2000. During the first ten years of the fund, each graduating senior of Conde High School, who furthered their education by attending an accredited university, college, or vocational school, received a $50 scholarship. The scholarship program was changed in the spring of 2010 due to an increase in funding from a donation of $20,000 from the Conde School. The fund will now award larger scholarships, with the sum and number of awards to be determined annually.
Conde Community Fund Scholarship applications are now available: e-mail or obtain regular copy forms from Donna Hearnen. If you have any questions, please call Donna Hearnen – (605) 382-5264, Patty Knoll – (605) 382-5964, or Ann Hearnen – (605) 382-5622.
The number of scholarships awarded and the amount of each scholarship will be determined after the applications have all been received. Persons eligible to apply for these scholarships are any graduates of Conde High School, or high school graduates who live in the prior Conde School District 56-1, and will attend or are attending an accredited university, college, or vocational school. Persons who have applied before, and received or didn’t receive a scholarship, may apply again. Factors considered in the selection process include: high academic standing, a desire to pursue additional education, and financial need. Applicants must submit proof of their grade point average if they are just graduating from high school. If they are currently attending college or vocational school and are qualified to continue their education at that particular school, proof of their grade point average will not be necessary. Application deadline is June 1, 2024. Send the completed applications and required letters of recommendations to:
Donna Hearnen
520 County Rd 6 SW
Conde, SD 57434
The Golf Tournament during the 2023 All School Reunion donated $520 to the scholarship fund.